Die Branche am Montag!

Aus den Unternehmen

The printing industry is going for more production

Mittwoch 12. April 2000 - So to keep up with the faster productions speeds and to maintain, or even improve, the print quality on plastic and metallised film, Corona surface treatment, is moving towards more Corona power and open designed Corona stations

Especially for printing lines, open and compact Corona Plus stations are the preferred solution.
The reason is the accessibility of all parts, within the Corona station. You only need to remove a few screws on the sideplates, for full access to the isolators, electrodes and adjusters, making maintenance and cleaning a very easy task, so downtime can be minimised.
With the strength from the Corona Plus generators and the intelligent open design of the treater stations, Vetaphone guarantees high efficient Corona discharge to achieve the optimal adhesion quality.

New segmented electrodes for Corona stations on Printing lines.
On the DRUPA exhibition Vetaphone will for the first time introduce their new and improved PF7 segmented electrodes for pattern treatment of film. The main advantages of the new electrodes are that they are easier to access and easier to set up. The easier access also makes them easier to clean and maintain.
A common known problem with traditional segmented electrodes are that the segments often get stuck together due to the dirt and particles in the surrounding air. Especially to avoid this, all the segments have been anodised and they are separated by stainless steel discs.

The new skip system.
TS-360 is an electronically controlled device securing exact and fast intermittent treatment (skip treatment), both for single and double sided treatment. From an exact tacho, mounted on an existing roll in the print line, impulses give input for the exact placement of corona treatment. The treated area and the non-treated area can be adjusted dynamically during production on the easy-to-use control unit. The control unit can give stopping and re-starting pulses even for two-sided corona systems in a fraction of a second, wherefore this option has become incredibly precise at even higher speeds than ever.

Remote/control panel with on-screen messages
On display will be the new remote control panel TF-450 for the Corona-Plus system. It has a new and revolutionary control panel with LCD-display, which continuously shows the status of the running system. The display is easy to use and self-explaining as it guides the user through set-up of treatment data input, adjustment, trouble shooting and many other useful new options via on-screen messages. Another feature on display is the option to print out production data, production labels or quality identification on the new label-printer.

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