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CIP4 Registered As An International Organisation

Freitag 06. April 2001 - The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress (CIP4) has completed its registration in Switzerland as a Swiss association.

CIP4 will be headquartered in Zurich. The registration follows approval of the association’s new by-laws and structure at the General Meeting on September 27, 2000 in Chicago during GraphExpo 2000.
The predecessor of the organization, CIP3, started in 1995 as a joint initiative of vendors for the graphical arts industry. Since then CIP3 has developing the Print Production Format which is today implemented in many applications. On July, 14 th 2000 the four companies Agfa, Adobe, MAN Roland and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG agreed to hand over their rights to the new Job Definition Format to the renamed and restructured CIP4 organisation.
CIP4 will operate as an international standards body and will develop and promote vendor independent standards for the graphic arts industry, such as the new Job Definition Format.
CIP4 has 3 membership levels, allowing vendors as well as users, institutions and private individuals to join the organization. CIP4 will establish several working groups to develop further extensions of JDF.
„As one of the creators of JDF, Adobe is pleased that CIP4 will be guiding its ongoing development,“ said Susan Altman Prescott, vice president of cross-media solutions for Adobe Systems Incorporated. „The JDF standard promises to enable a new level of automation, system interoperability and process optimization establishing print as an equal partner in the Internet-enabled world of network publishing. We anticipate that CIP4, a broad-based group of vendors, and service providers, will shepherd JDF to greater acceptance and adoption by the graphic communications industry.“
“One essential element of Heidelberg`s philosophy is to provide our industry with open interfaces. We have always initiated and supported cooperative efforts like CIP3, and standards like the Print Production Format and will continue with JDF and CIP4. This underlines our efforts in securing the future of print media”, explains Dr. Klaus Spiegel, a Member of the Board with responsibility for Technology at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG.
“CIP4 is an international standards body, which is about to involve even the users. This is most important since it ensures that JDF will always be close to practice. It’s the first

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